Health Certificates

Health Certificates (CVI)
Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI), more commonly known as “health certificates,” are required for each horse when traveling out of state (or country). Most horse shows require CVI’s for horses entered to compete regardless of their origin.
Health certificates are usually valid for 30 days, although some shows have more stringent requirements (like 72 hours).
For a health certificate/CVI to be written Oakencroft needs to examine your horse to ensure that he/she is healthy. We must also have a current negative Coggins test completed sometime in the 12 months before the ship date. In addition Oakencroft needs the following information:
Origin/current location of the horse
Owner information (if separate from the origin)
Destination-full address with zip code required
Shipping date
Shipper-who is shipping your horse? If commercial, address of the shipper
Vaccine history, especially since some states/shows require specific vaccines prior to entry.
Reason for shipping-such as sale, permanent move, show, etc.
Please note, some states require an entry permit as well. This necessitates that we call the state offices of the destination state to get this permit number. For international travel Oakencroft must send all paperwork to the USDA for prior approval (which takes at least five business days).
When requesting your CVI / health certificate please note that requests will be processed within 48 hours Monday - Thursday. If you need one faster (such as on a Friday or the weekend), please call the office.
Health Certificates are now required to be in digital format and will be emailed to you.
For International Health Certificates/Export Papers (such as to travel to Canada), you need to call the office. These take longer and have extra processing requirements and fees.
All health certificates have fees associated with them.