
The veterinary team at Oakencroft has access to a host of cutting edge diagnostic tools to ensure your horse gets the right treatment as quickly and efficiently as possible.
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Radiography (commonly called an x-ray) is used to augment physical exams and soundness/lameness work ups. It is often the first big diagnostic step taken to confirm or reject a potential diagnose and helps move our veterinary team closer to determining what exactly is hurting your horse.
There are times when non-invasive tests like radiographs and ultrasounds cannot give us the information we need. Endoscopy / Gastroscopy are tools and procedures that help us look directly at a problem to achieve a diagnosis.
Oakencroft is equipped with multiple portable digital ultrasound machines which are used for creating non-invasive images of soft issue structures inside your horse. The images it returns can be viewed and interpreted by our vets right at your barn or sent to specialists anywhere in the world for further analysis if necessary.