Pre-Purchase Exam

Get started:
First, download and fill out the pre-purchase form":
Then, once the pre-purchase form has been completed, contact the Oakencroft office to set up your pre-purchase exam. They will ask you to email in the pre-purchase form:
A purchase examination includes a thorough physical and soundness review performed in order to render an opinion as to the current state of a given horse. The exam aims to identify readily observable shortcomings that a given horse may possess that would prevent it from performing at a given level on the date of the examination.
The guidelines we follow in doing an examination are current with the standards set by the veterinary profession. Please acknowledge that the report generated by this examination should not be construed as a guarantee of future soundness, but only as a reflection of the horse on the date of the examination.
We perform this examination only at the request of the buyer or their agent. We generally recommend that amateur owners have consulted with their performance horse professional to determine suitability, talent, disposition and value prior to the examination, as such recommendations fall outside the scope of a veterinary inspection. The buyer (or their agent) is responsible for informing the veterinarian of the intended use of the horse and any known past history. The buyer (or their agent) defines the scope of the examination and requests those ancillary tests/examinations they wish our staff to provide.
The horse will not receive a “pass” or “fail” grade. We encourage the buyer and their agents, trainers and local veterinarians discuss the findings with our doctors in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the horse’s condition as it relates to the intended use. The final decision to purchase the horse based on the information available lies solely with the buyer.
It is advisable to have all your questions regarding the examination addressed prior to the actual purchase of the horse.
Simpler examinations may not adequately provide comprehensive information about your prospective horse. We do recognize that the scope of this exam may be beyond the wishes of some pleasure horse buyers. In those cases, we encourage you to call the office so that we might better be able to meet your specific needs and desires.