
Oakencroft is your partner in success whether you are breeding one horse or fifty. We’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure you have the best in medical support during the planning, conception, pregnancy, and delivery.
Our experienced equine reproduction team are experts in the services listed below and will work with you to craft a customized plan based on your horse’s unique requirements.
More Information:
Artificial insemination is a common way of breeding and the equine reproduction team at Oakencroft is experienced in the delicate intricacies of shipped and/or frozen semen.
If you plan on breeding either your horse or a horse you’re planning to buy it is a good idea to have a breeding soundness exam done to catch potential problems as early as possible in the process.
Embryo transfer involves breeding one mare (the donor) and then placing the resulting embryo into another mare (the recipient). Embryo transfer is a useful tool in multiple reproductive scenarios including in mares who are unable to carry a foal to term, when several foals a year are required from one donor mare, or when a mare has a busy show schedule.
The first step in any successful breeding program is a happy, healthy mare. Oakencroft takes a holistic approach to mare health by not only paying close attention to reproductive systems but also ensuring overall health, body condition, dental health, vaccination status, nutrition, and other medical conditions are properly managed.
Oakencroft’s equine reproduction team has many years of experience making sure foals have the best start possible. A new foal is very vulnerable so we use foal blood tests, placenta inspections, and a full mare and foal physical to catch trouble early.
Foals in distress can fade quickly so contact our emergency service at the first sign of trouble.
Oocyte aspiration and shipment is a great option for broodmares no longer able to carry a foal or who are not good embryo transfer candidates. Oakencroft’s expert team will ensure your mare is a good candidate for the procedure and manage the process from beginning to end.
The ability to cool and ship semen has changed the way we breed horses, and it can allow you to expand your stallion’s breeding opportunities exponentially. Semen collection also makes competing and training a stallion much easier by separating breeding and athletic responsibilities. Oakencroft can train and collect all sizes, from ponies to drafts and our experienced staff will make sure your stallion is well cared for.
Subfertile mares are those who do not conceive easily, or have trouble carrying foals to term, but are capable of producing foals with careful management. Subfertile stallions are those who have low conception rates but can be improved with calculated use. Oakencroft’s reproductive services team has a long list of tools and treatments available to treat the unique struggles of your mare of stallion.